Andrew & Estelle - Rocky Mountain Sky Pond Proposal Photographer
I’ve only known Andrew and Estelle for about 4 months, but they are already 2 of my closest friends. They’re both such kind people. Estelle is always paying attention to details for organizing things for our big friend group and being such a good host whenever we go to hers and Andrew’s house. She lets me borrow her clothes all the time and is the best about remembering things to do for other people when they ask her for a favor. Andrew has the best energy to be around. Literally always smiling, down for any adventure and always the life of the friend group. So obviously when we all woke up early on a Saturday, Andrew was the first one up at 3:30 am to start our adventure. Our group of 9 people hiked the 11 miles to Sky Pond to see our friends get engaged! All I feel is love and gratitude for all of these beautiful people. This location was perfect for a proposal. Afterwards, we had lunch and drank some champagne together. Andrew and Estelle have been together for 8 years and I’m so happy they’re finally officially getting married.